Sparkle Panda Rainbow Hunter
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- October 01, 2021 by FutuRETROistic1#SPRH, #Sparkle Panda, #Rainbow Hunter, #Panda, #Sparkle, #Rainbow, #hunter, #platformer, #nes, #nintendo, #8bit, #8-BithEY GUYS !! I'm excited to say I will be able to dedicate some time this month to working towards finalizing the Sparkle Panda Rainbow Hunter NES cartridge based game !! I have not had time to work on... Continue reading
- May 29, 2021 by FutuRETROistic#sprh, #sparkle panda rainbow hunter, #development, #ideas, #creation, #game idea, #process, #nes, #8bit, #nesmakerSome of you may be wondering, " Where in the heck did these guys come up with Sparkle Panda Rainbow Hunter?" Well, here's a bit of the History of Sparkle Panda Rainbow Hunter. It all started with a co... Continue reading
- May 20, 2021 by FutuRETROistic#8-bit, #nes, #nintendo, #adventure, #platformer, #arcade, #8bit, #sprh, #sparkle pandaI have created some new levels for Sparkle Panda Rainbow Hunter! This level is known as The Rainbow Mansion! Each "floor" of the mansion is based on a different color of the rainbow. There are also so... Continue reading
- January 27, 2021 by FutuRETROistic#nes, #nintendo, #8bit, #sprh, #panda, #newestr1_27There are now 3 levels to the BAMBOO FOREST and also more maze excitement in the CLOUD CASTLE !! Please download and let me know what you guys think now!! Im excited to share this version with you. I... Continue reading
- December 30, 2020 by FutuRETROistic#nesmaker, #nes, #8bit, #byteoff, #byte-off, #sparkle panda, #rainbow hunterWOW!!! I am very excited to have won the BEST PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN category in this years NesMaker's BYTE-OFF!! So the BYTE-OFF 2020 has been a great experience for me! I was super motivated to do s... Continue reading
- December 21, 2020 by FutuRETROistic#new, #nes, #sprh, #byteoff2020, #nesmaker, #8bit, #arcade, #adventure, #platformer, #metroidvanian, #demoHEY ! ! I was finally able to sit down today and update the game!! Sparkle Panda Rainbow Hunter is now a bit easier to play. Please check it out. I changed the order of screens and tried to make th... Continue reading